A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Kovács Barna Szilárd
associate professor,
Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy
Előadás: 28 Óra
Gyakorlat: 0 Óra
Szeminárium: 0 Óra
Összesen: 28 Óra
- Kód: OPF-CHS-T
- 2 Kredit
- Pharmacy
- Optional modul
- autumn
OPA-ALK_23-T finished
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 15 fő
Objectives and scope: Chemical sensors are important tools for everyday use. Using them concentration of different species can be given – real time- in complex matrices, such as blood, air or wastewaters. Students taking the course will learn the different kind of sensors. We demonstrate their structures, working principles and the selective recognition mechanisms. Depending on the field of application, the advantages and disadvantages of their use will be also discussed. Sensors used in medicine, medical diagnostics and process control will be also discussed in details.
- 1.
Sensors, physical and chemical sensors
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 2.
Application field of chemical sensors, history of their development
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 3.
Major analytical characteristics of their performance: stability, selectivity
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 4.
Sensitivity, lower limit of detection, response times
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 5.
Sensors for the measurements of mechanical deformations and electric changes
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 6.
Transducers. Electrochemical sensors
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 7.
Ion selective electrodes
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 8.
Chemically modified amperometric electrodes
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 9.
Selective gas sensors
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 10.
Capacitance based sensors, humidity sensors, gas sensors
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 11.
Group work
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 12.
Group work
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 13.
Sensors detecting mass changes: Quartz crystal micro balance (QCM) and surface acoustic wave sensors (SAW), surface plasmon resonance detection based sensors (SPR)
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 14.
Optical chemical sensors, principle of operation
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 15.
Conventional optodes, wave guides, fiber optics
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 16.
Fluorescence based sensors
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 17.
Attenuated total internal reflection (ATIR) based optodes
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 18.
Semiconductor based sensors, solid electrolyte based gas sensors
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 19.
Chemically sensitized FETs
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 20.
Group work
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 21.
Group work
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 22.
Biosensors I: Enzymes based biocatalytic layers
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 23.
Bacteria containing biocatalytic layers
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 24.
Biosensors II: Receptor based sensors, and immuno-complex based sensing
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 25.
RNA/DNA fragment based sensors, aptamer sensing, MIPs
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 26.
Group work
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 27.
Group work
- Kovács Barna Szilárd - 28.
Summary, test
- Kovács Barna Szilárd
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
R.W. Cattrall: Chemical Sensors, Oxford Science, 1997
B.R. Eggins: Biosensors: an Introduction, Wiley, 1996
Saját oktatási anyag
Ajánlott irodalom
J. Janata: Principles of Chemical sensors, Plenum Press, 1989
T.E. Edmonds: Chemical sensors, Blackie, 1988
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Participating in the project groupwork, grade of the written test
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Oral, during the project groupwork
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
By arrangement with the lecturer
- Kovács Barna Szilárd