A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Kunsági-Máté Sándor
Department of Organic and Pharmacological Chemistry
Előadás: 0 Óra
Gyakorlat: 28 Óra
Szeminárium: 28 Óra
Összesen: 56 Óra
- Kód: OTV-IBI2-T
- 4 Kredit
- Biotechnology BSc
- Specialised Core Module modul
- autumn
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 24 fő
Students will learn about the biological sequence analysis and get skills to handling and checking sequencing data. Topics overwieved: univariate and bivariate statistical methods, probability theory and statistical hypothesis testing. R and RStudio for Genomics software, finding restriction sites. primer design. Depositing new sequences into primary databases. Search using optimal alignment algorithms: web implementations. Maximizing signal to noise ratio. Filtering false positive hits: avoiding low complexity regions, repetitive sequences, vector contaminations.
- 1. Introduction to univariate and bivariate statistical methods I. - Herczeg Róbert
- 2. Introduction to univariate and bivariate statistical methods II. - Herczeg Róbert
- 3. Introduction to probability theory and statistical hypothesis testing - Herczeg Róbert
- 4. Application of confidence, T-and Mann-Whitney tests - Herczeg Róbert
- 5. Basics of regression analysis I. - Herczeg Róbert
- 6. Basics of regression analysis II. - Herczeg Róbert
- 7. Introduction to survival analysis and Kaplan-Meier method - Herczeg Róbert
- 8. Introduction to the command line I. - Herczeg Róbert
- 9. Introduction to the command line II. - Herczeg Róbert
- 10. Basic bioinformatics phrases and file formats. - Herczeg Róbert
- 11. Introduction to bioinformatics I. - Herczeg Róbert
- 12. Introduction to bioinformatics II. - Herczeg Róbert
- 13. Intro to R and RStudio for Genomics I. - Herczeg Róbert
- 14. Intro to R and RStudio for Genomics II. - Herczeg Róbert
- 15. Basic bioinformatics softwares I. - Herczeg Róbert
- 16. Basic bioinformatics softwares II. - Herczeg Róbert
- 17. Basic bioinformatics softwares III. - Herczeg Róbert
- 18. Short versus long reads I. - Herczeg Róbert
- 19. Short versus long reads II. - Herczeg Róbert
- 20. IGV - Herczeg Róbert
- 21. Project Organization and Management for Genomics - Herczeg Róbert
- 22. Data management and reproducibility - Herczeg Róbert
- 23. Genomic data analysis and visualization in R - Herczeg Róbert
- 24. Introduction to HPC (High Performance Computing) - Herczeg Róbert
- 25. Building pipelines I. - Herczeg Róbert
- 26. Building pipelines II. - Herczeg Róbert
- 27. Runnig pipelines I. - Herczeg Róbert
- 28. Runnig pipelines II. - Herczeg Róbert
- 1. The basics of biological sequence analysis: Handling and checking sequencing data. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 2. The basics of biological sequence analysis: Handling and checking sequencing data. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 3. Contig assembly. Finding restriction sites. Primer design. Depositing new sequences into primary databases. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 4. Contig assembly. Finding restriction sites. Primer design. Depositing new sequences into primary databases. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 5. Sequence comparisons: Pairwise comparisons: dot-plot. Scoring systems, substitution matrices. PAM, BLOSUM matrices. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 6. Sequence comparisons: Pairwise comparisons: dot-plot. Scoring systems, substitution matrices. PAM, BLOSUM matrices. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 7. Pairwise sequence alignments: optimal alignment. Global and local alignment. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 8. Pairwise sequence alignments: optimal alignment. Global and local alignment. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 9. Similarity searches in sequence databases: Search using optimal alignment algorithms: web implementations. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 10. Similarity searches in sequence databases: Search using optimal alignment algorithms: web implementations. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 11. Maximizing signal to noise ratio. Filtering false positive hits: avoiding low complexity regions, repetitive sequences, vector contaminations. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 12. Maximizing signal to noise ratio. Filtering false positive hits: avoiding low complexity regions, repetitive sequences, vector contaminations. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 13. Heuristic search methods. Estimating the significance of a hit. Deciding which code to use. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 14. Heuristic search methods. Estimating the significance of a hit. Deciding which code to use. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 15. Basic bioinformatics softwares I. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 16. Basic bioinformatics softwares II. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 17. Basic bioinformatics softwares III. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 18. Short versus long reads I. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 19. Short versus long reads II. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 20. Project Organization and Management for Genomics - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 21. Project Organization and Management for Genomics - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 22. Data management and reproducibility - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 23. Introduction to HPC (High Performance Computing) - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 24. Introduction to HPC (High Performance Computing) - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 25. Building pipelines I. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 26. Building pipelines II. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 27. Runnig pipelines I. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
- 28. Runnig pipelines II. - Kunsági-Máté Sándor
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Micheal J. Crawley: The R Book 2007
Peter Dalgaard: Introductory statistics with R 2002
Saját oktatási anyag
Slides and notes of all lectures are available electronically.
Slides and notes of all lectures are available electronically.
Ajánlott irodalom
John H. McDonald: Handbook of Biological Statistics, 2008
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
No additional requirements.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Two tests written on the 7th and 14th weeks.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
Describe the univariate and bivariate statistical methods
Describe the probability theory and statistical hypothesis testing
T-and Mann-Whitney tests
Survival analysis and Kaplan-Meier method
Describe the R and RStudio for Genomics software
Comparison and differences: Short versus long reads
Basic rules of Project Organization and Management for Genomics
Biological sequence analysis: Handling and checking sequencing data.
Finding restriction sites. Primer design. Depositing new sequences into primary databases.
Similarity searches in sequence databases: Search using optimal alignment algorithms: web implementations.
Pairwise sequence alignments: optimal alignment. Global and local alignment.
Sequence comparisons: Pairwise comparisons: dot-plot. Scoring systems, substitution matrices. PAM, BLOSUM matrices.
Maximizing signal to noise ratio. Filtering false positive hits: avoiding low complexity regions, repetitive sequences, vector contaminations.
Heuristic search methods. Estimating the significance of a hit. Deciding which code to use.
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Herczeg Róbert
- Kunsági-Máté Sándor